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​​By far the best!


"My family has the good fortune to play at Augusta National Golf Club each Thanksgiving. This past Thanksgiving was particularly enjoyable due to my extremely low scoring of 76-77-74 playing from the "Master's Tees." I have not gone that low at Augusta for 15 years. I attribute the vast improvements in my game 100% to Eyelights. They have miraculously improved both the accuracy and distance of my shots. What a pleasure it is to be hitting mid-irons into those famous Par 5's. Eyelights will soon revolutionize professional and amateur sports."

Carl Wolfsberger

Real Estate Developer from Dallas, TX

Amazing results


"Before using the glasses I was making C's in school, now I am making A's and B's. I am more alert in the classroom and on the field. I have a quicker response time in baseball and in the classroom. I have more energy and feel a lot stronger while lifting weights and playing baseball."

Aubrey B.

College Student and Baseball Pitcher

Absolutely wonderful


​"Our son Damon suffered a traumatic birth injury that rendered him significantly neurologically impaired. As a result, he was quite developmentally delayed, and was fully autistic at age three. Thanks to Dr. Jaillet and Eyelights, Damon is now functioning extremely well in a mainstream first grade class at age six. The impact the Eyelights have had on his development has been enormous. His ability to focus and regulate his behavior improves markedly with the Eyelights therapy. His teachers consider them a miracle, and they have him wearing them in class several times throughout the day. We believe that Damon's academic and developmental success would not have been possible without Dr. Jaillet and his Eyelights."

Dr. Glen Zielinski

Lake Oswego, Oregon

Most Valuable Tools Ever Developed


"I have been using the Eyelights in my own private practice and in my Brain Balance Centers for over a decade. I believe that especially when dealing with developmental brain imbalances it is one of the most valuable tools ever developed. It is especially great for severe issues such as autism and or younger kids when getting them to do active exercises are almost impossible. This is a simple, effective and passive way to powerful stimulate the brain in a very specific way. I recommend a pair to every patient young or old.

Dr Robert Melillo

Co-founder Brain Balance

Author Disconnected Kids

Adjunct Professor National U for Health Sciences

Co-founder and President Emeritus International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehab 

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