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Color has various therapeutic effects on the body and can be recieved through the eyes in order to stimulate a particular organ or system. Research shows that some colors can stimulate certain bodily enzymes to be 500% more effective. It has been found that 87% of reading disabled children showed an improvement in comprehension when reading with blue filters. In some patients who have suffered strokes, color has successfully eliminated paralysis and helped to restore normal body function.


Eyelights are the revolutionary way to improve your mental and physical performance. There are few natural choices to help you strengthen both your mind and muscles. To find out more about applying Eyelights to your life click here.


Light Therapy
The power of Eyelights comes from tiny receptors that emit light at predetermined intervals. There are two settings programmed into the Eyelights. The first helps to strengthen the physical aspects of the body like muscle, power, and energy. The second program targets the mental and emotional areas of the brain.


Color Therapy
Not only do Eyelights offer incredible results through light therapy, they include options for introducing color therapy to further improve your performance. There are lenses for mellowing out or becoming aggressive. Click here for a full list of lenses and how they can help you tap into unused physical strength and brain power.
If you are looking to improve your way of life, Eyelights will help get you there. Buy them today and feel better tomorrow.


Violet Rush with Light Component

Choose a component
  • Violet is the highest frequencey and is considered an inspiring and spiritual energy. It stimulates dream activity and helps the body assimilate nutrients and minerals. Associated organs/systems: Pineal. Use violet to treat: Dementia, severe headaches, vision problems, lack of motivation.

  • Note: ALL Shipping is NOT free. US orders +$10. International orders +$30 for regular mail (10-20 days depending on country) or DHL shipping +$65-$70 (1-2 days).

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